Hello Everyone!
name is Lisa Miller. I am the new BV
Craft Fair Committee Chair. My son is currently
a junior at Bella Vista and my daughter is an incoming freshman. I have been involved with my kid’s schools
PTA’s and have been on school Boards and soccer Boards for several years. I have been going to the BV Craft Fair for
years as well as other craft fairs in Northern California. I look forward to working with you, the
vendors, and the BV parent volunteers at our 2014 Craft Fair.
Important note:
After careful consideration, BVCF has decided to discontinue
the electronic application and payments this year until we are able to improve
and streamline the process. 2014 Vendors
will need to download the application and U.S. mail completed application with
payment. Thank you for your patience and
Please note the California PTA now requires each participant to sign a Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement. This must be included in your application packet to participate.
Dates to Remember: