Monday, September 29, 2014


Four Small Walkway Signs.  Easy construction and painting job.  We need these to direct visitors to the inner campus, food, restrooms and raffle table.

Friday evening, October 3th.  It takes about 25 volunteers to help prepare the campus on the night before the fair from 3 - 6pm.  We need leaf blowers and scoopers, cafeteria table distributors, and booth markers.  We have to work early because it gets dark quickly and there may be an evening football game to work around.  Please sign up by the week before - Thank you!

EVENT DAY!!! - October 4th
We start setting up at 4:30am to receive vendors at 5:30am.  The fair starts at 8:30am and goes until 4pm.  Everyone is typically gone no later than 6pm.  It takes a lot of people working in shifts to make it all come together.  Please review the list below to see where you may be able to help, but don't forget to also make time to enjoy the fair and support our wonderful vendors and students!

4:30 - 6:30am - Parking lot set-up; distribute rented tables to booth spaces
5:30 - 8:30am - Vendor check-in; traffic direction; assist vendors with unloading; poster/sign distribution.
7:30 - 8:00am - Clear the parking lot of vendor vehicles to prepare for public entrance
8:15 - 11am / 11am - 1:30pm / 1:30 - 3:30/4pm - Parking lot directors; Kids' Corner supervisors; booth-sitters; runners; canvas bag sales; raffle table assistance and ticket sales
4 - 6pm - Vendor loading assistance; traffic direction; campus clean-up

VOLUNTEERS KNOW THIS: Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.
Thank you for all you do!!!

****If you have already signed up to help, please show up at your designated time at the Information Booth.

Questions please contact Committee Chair via or 916-308-0400.